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Welcome to the homepage of the band

Die BiomechaniK

We are going to inform you regularly about the latest news here.
Just look in from time to time.

Confessions and 1816 available on the market

Wilkommen zurück

Summer 2022

We welcome you on our new home pages.

We are working painstakingly on our new album and a new music videi in our studio in Neuhaus.
Before we will present you our new band fotographys, you will be patient for a while.
Until then, you can rummage in our revised home pages.
We will inform you reguarly about all news, and we have planed a lot.
Soon some texts will change and the pages about our works will be developed.
Additionally, the shooting of our new video starts in autumn..
And we started to work on a new live program.
Last but not least, we here is an insiders' tipp:

At the Backstage in Kulmbach you can find besides good rock music and choiced frankonian beer, our albums
1816 - a psychedelic dark wave opera
Confessions ... from the deep
at the exclusive special price of 5 €. Who is nearby, should look inside, it is worth.

You can also find our CDs in kulmbach at the book store "Friedrich".

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